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RE: xterm doesn't open on start (was: checkX problems)

Lothar Brendel wrote:
>Timares, Brian (Patriot) wrote:
>> Lothar Brendel wrote:
>> $ checkX -v
>> run2 0.3.0

>So, you've got the situation I surmised in 

Grr, I saw that, went and _thought_ I got the right version but
it seems the right version wasn't avaiable at the time and
I got fooled by the 0.3.0-1 to think 0.3.1.  I have carefully
upgraded, and when running Setup17.exe I saw it wanted to
revert, but I didn't let it.

The X window showed up, but it blew up real good (the windows
disappeared, then the X icon.  After a
didn't launch at all.  I ran from the Cygwin Bash 
Shell, and it started.  After quitting that I launched it from 
startxwin.bat and the windows showed up but they died after a 
second at most and no X icon in the taskbar tray..

Same thing after reboot.  This time I after launching from a 
Cygwin Bash Shell (successfully) I closed the cygwin bash 
shell and the X Window died.  The X server kept running.


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