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Cut/paste in an xterm takes extraordinarily long time

I'm having problems with copying text from a Windows application
(Firefox) and pasting into Cygwin Emacs (23.1.1).  I'm running Cygwin
1.7 (latest) and Xorg (latest).  When pasting into Emacs, my mouse
pointer changes to an hourglass, and after what seems like an eternity
(10-30 seconds), the paste will finish, often times with the wrong
text, rarely with the correct test.

I am running RealVNC also.  I remember several/many months back, there
seems to be a cut/paste issue with Cygwin that was exacerbated by
running VNC.  Could that problem have returned?

How can I help debug this?  I've attached my cygcheck output.

- Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, <>,

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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