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Re: Windows Batch File to start xterm on Cygwin/X 1.7.x

On 25/01/2010 22:53, Zheng-Da Tan wrote:
I like to have one icon in Windows that I can click on to open a new
xterm window:
    - if the X server is not running, the icon would start X and launch
a xterm window
    - if the X server is running, it will simply open a new xterm
window on the existing X server

This was how it used to work by default in a very old version of
Cygwin.  It had been broken once before (search silent-dup-error in
the mailing list archives), fixed, and now broken again when
startxwin.bat became startxwin.exe.

How about saying how it's broken, so it can be fixed, and we can get rid of horrible batch files for ever?

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