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Re: How do I start WM?

On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 12:32 -0800, Joseph Ess wrote:
> From: "Yaakov (Cygwin/X)" <yselkowitz at users dot sourceforge dot net>
> > Openbox is just a WM.  It does not provide a panel, pager, or other 
> desktop components.
> Maybe I'm thinking of BlackBox, since it has a "toolbar".
> Thanks,
> Joe

these types of components can be used with openbox, if you want.
obconf allows you to set N number of desktops, dock location etc.
the openbox website has a lot of information regarding usage and
configuration ( i.e. i have openbox run 3 desktops and I mapped the
<windows-meta-key>-F1-3 to switch between them -- i also run a taskbar
(tint2) that allows me to do the same as well as have systray)

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