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Re: Using the Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard with Windows XP

On 03/06/2010 21:17, Young, George wrote:
Using Windows XP and cygwin started with the command
%RUN% XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error -xkblayout ca
-xkbvariant multix -xkbmodel pc104

If the Windows keyboard is set to US, cygwin works fine. If the Windows
keyboard is set to Canadian Multilingual Standard, cygwin doesn't get
the RightAlt and RightControl inputs.

I couldn't reproduce this. Checking with xev, the right alt and right control keys generate key events when the Windows keyboard layout is Canadian Multilingual Standard, although it seems that right control generates the same X keysym as left control with that layout for some reason.

Can you clarify how you are checking for the keypresses?

Please attach your /var/log/XWin.0.log as well.

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