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Re: GNOME on cygwin

On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 11:48:35PM -0500, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
>Since there are already in Ports, why aren't these in the distro?  I
>already maintain a proportionally large number of the distro packages,
>and there is legitimate concern that having too many packages maintained
>by one volunteer would lead to a difficult situation for the rest of the
>distro if said volunteer were to leave the project for whatever reason
>(a seemingly inevitable situation in community-run FOSS projects).
>OTOH, I do feel that Cygwin would be a much better product with the
>GNOME and KDE libraries and applications commonly found in Linux
>distros, and I've lost count of how many people struggle to build things
>which are already available for, but not shipped with, Cygwin.

I have absolutely no problem with your adding more packages to the
distro, Yaakov.  I'm sure Corinna would not disagree.

I think it would cut down on some confusion if we had more of GNOME in

(Even though I normally use KDE)


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