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Re: CygwinX at MS Terminalserver?

Am 13.08.2010 13:09, schrieb Jon TURNEY:
>> Now testuser0002 tries to start another server in parallel.
>> This gives this error:
>> /usr/bin/startxwin:  Resource temporarily unavailable (errno 11):  Another X server instance is running on DISPLAY :0
> This is expected.  As I said, each X server instance must
> have a unique display number.
> This can't possibly work any other way.  If two users both
> have an X server with display number 0, to which server should
> a client started with DISPLAY=:0.0 connect?

That's clear. I thought (or hoped) that starting X server using the "XWin Server" menu item automatically searches for an unused display number and uses it. I think that would be a good default behaviour.

>> A fatal error has occured and Cygwin/X will now exit.
>> Cannot open log file "/var/log/XWin.0.log"
> This is interesting.  On my systems, /var/log has mode 777,
> rather than 1777.
> Having the restricted deletion flag set on /var/log prevents
> other users from deleting the logfile from a previous run.
> However, checking the source for setup.exe, I see that it does
> create /var/log with 1777 permissions, so how I got into this
> state I don't know...
> I'm not sure that is right, but assuming it is intentional, I
> guess we need to create a /var/log/xwin with mode 777 and arrange
> for that to be the default logfile location
> mkdir /var/log/xwin
> chmod 777 /var/log/xwin
> adding '-logfile /var/log/xwin/XWin.%s.log' to your xwin command line.

I tested this with success. :)

It would be very helpfully too if this can become the default behaviour of the "XWin Server" menu item (or XWin).


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