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Re: Clear Screen

On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Ajay Jain wrote:


I use bash on Xterm.
While working you press Ctrl-L, so that the screen gets cleared and
you see the currently line only. But you may want to see the last
outputs/prints. However, if you do a Ctrl-L/clear command, these
prints go away. In that case, what can you use so that you clear the
screen of the prints/outputs from last command. But in case you want
to see the last output, you can just go scroll up/pageup.

I looked at the bash & Xterm manpage but this info is not available.

The closest I recall offhand is the xterm tiXtraScroll resource (which would be useful if you were asking about running vi, etc). But a screen-clear is done without causing any scrolling action.

By the way, the clearing of the screen on ctrl/L is not done by xterm.
(PuTTY does this, in case you're mistaking it for xterm, otherwise
I'd assume bash is doing it).

Thomas E. Dickey

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