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Re: Segmentation Fault in OpenGL - glutMainLoop

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 05:39:27PM +0000, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>On 06/12/2010 04:14, Nathan Rose wrote:
>> I suspect this problem may be beyond the scope of this mailing list, but I would really appreciate any
>> help that you could provide. 
>> I have someone else's code that uses OpenGL (it's a massive set of files, so I'm not going to attach 
>> them here). It compiles fine on Cygwin, but when the glutMainLoop method is called I get a 
>> segmentation fault. I have tested it on Ubuntu and this does not occur there, so my assumption is 
>> that there is something wrong with how I have set up Cygwin. The following packages have been installed: 
>> libglut-devel
>> libglut3
>> glproto 
>> libGL-devel
>> libGL1
>> libGLU-devel
>> libGLU1
>> libglitz
>> libxcb-dlx-devel
>> libxcb-glx0
>I guess you are using the S2PLOT library.  The current version (2.6) of that
>doesn't seem to build for cygwin, so I can't try to reproduce your problem.
>> I have attached the stackdump from the segfault and the output from cygcheck, in case they can help 
>> identify the cause of this issue. I'm not expecting that anyone will be able to magically solve this with 
>> what little information I have provided, but any hints as to which direction I should proceed would be 
>> very much appreciated.
>Note that the stackdump reports STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW (which I believe means
>something like 'a guard page for the stack could not be mapped'), rather than

That's basically what it means.  It implies that there is no more room
to contiguously allocate more memory for the stack.


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