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Re: segfault Xserver...current version (1.10, not 1.8)

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 05:55:31PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
Jon TURNEY wrote:

Following the instructions at [2] to obtain an Xserver backtrace would also be of great help.

Reading symbols from /usr/bin/Xwin...(no debugging symbols found)...done.

From the above web page:

  To generate a useful backtrace, you will need an X server built with
  debugging symbols.  X server snapshots are built with debugging symbols
  for this reason.  Download the latest X Server snapshot from, uncompress it using bunzip2, and move it
  to /usr/bin/XWin.exe
	Well, I DID follow the instructions provided by John....maybe that page
should point to binaries that have symbols?

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