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Re: FW: RE: Cut and Paste between X and WindowsXP sometimes fails

On 13/02/2012 23:05, Bennett, Tony wrote:
>> On 03/02/2012 22:55, Bennett, Tony wrote:
>>> Often when "cutting" from Xwin and attempting to "Paste" to a WindowsXP application,
>>> the "most recent" "cut" is not pasted... but instead a "previous" Xwin "cut".
>>> In other words, this scenario:
>>>     LOCATION    ACT            Comment
>>>     Xwin        Cut "abc"
>>>     WinXP       Paste		 correctly pastes "abc"
>>>     Xwin	    Cut "def"
>>>     WinXP       Paste		 Incorrectly pastes "abc"
>>> When the above problem occurs, no matter how many times a "cut" from Xwin,
>>> Whenever I paste on WinXP it pastes "abc".
>>> I can "correct" the problem by "cutting" from WinXP and pasting into Xwin...
>>> ...after doing this the next Xwin "cut" will "correctly" paste on WinXP.
>> Yes, this is a rather long-standing problem (see the bug report at [1] for
>> some of the technical details), which is unfortunately not easy to fix in a
>> way that works well for all cases.
>> Fortunately, there is a simple workaround for the moment: If you install and
>> run xclipboard, that will cause XWin to notice every change of the clipboard
>> contents.
> Thanks for the reply, Jon.
> Exactly "how" do I use xclipboard...???
> Here's how I'm starting Xwin right now in a 
> Windows Script called startx.bat:
> 	@echo off
> 	C:
> 	chdir C:\cygwin\bin
> 	bash -c "PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin;XWin -clipboard -logverbose 3 -ac -query -fp \"tcp/,/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/,/usr/share/fonts/75dpi/,/usr/share/fonts/Type1/\"  &"
> You'll notice I use XDMCP to establish a CDE session on cdcxvd0559...
> I've tried starting xclipboard in the same script, after starting Xwin
> (and sometimes even specifying -noclipboard)... and I always get
> an IO error.... and X-win dies.

Ah. Applying this workaround is perhaps not so simple when using XDMCP :-(

You can't just add a 'xclipboard' line after 'XWin &', because the X server
may still be starting up when xclipboard tries to start, which will fail.

However, this shouldn't lead to the X server itself dying.

It's possible to put a wait here, but there are a couple of other reasons why
this approach won't work well.

You might find it easier to start xclipboard on the host you are XDMCPing to,
possibly as part of your login script there....

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