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Re: 1.7.17: child window opens without window-manager

* Colin Harrison schrieb:

> Hi,
> Does MIT-SHM work over a network with Cygwin/X (or is your client local)?
> You appear to be connecting a remote Suse to local Windows from your traces.
so it is. Sorry, I didn't declare it in my first post. 

   Linux Suse 11.1 Server  <- LAN ->  windows XP (with cygwin)

> See this fd.o bugzilla on SSH proxies and shared memory...

thx. But I understand only a few aspects. 

Perhaps that helps concerning "ssh-proxy errors": 
   If the child window is not a window of the medical program but a 
   picture viewer (jpg, png, ..)  then the window appears correctly!  Only a 
   child window of the medical program appears wrong decorated and can't 
   be rezised. 

   And: as viewer we use kuickshow (KDE-Appl.)  and kuickshow works with shared
   memory and works fine. So it seems that only the child window of the medical 
   program is our problem, the rest works fine. 

thank you, Colin. 

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