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Re: remote xterm's can't open display after upgrade

On 11/12/2014 18:31, Don Webster wrote:
I needed to upgrade gs to gs 9.15, so I ran setup yesterday. It
wanted to update a whole bunch of stuff, including X. OK, fine, I
hadn't updated cygwin in quite a while, and I had other stuff to do.

After the upgrade, I can't display remote xterms. OK, my old X
shortcut didn't work, but I found "XWin Server" and pinned it to my
task bar. I launch that and I have the X server running, and a local
xterm pops up. I ssh into my linux server, and run my xterm, and get
"can't open display". I did these steps.

- turned off my Windows Firewall (I am on a safe, local network). -
launched XWin Server.

In the xterm that popped up:
dcw@dcwdt02 ~
$ xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host

dcw@dcwdt02 ~
$ ssh centos6
Last login: Wed Dec 10 16:31:16 2014 from dcwdt02
centos6% setenv DISPLAY    # I use tcsh
centos6% xterm
xterm Xt error: Can't open display:

Is there something obvious?

The relevant part is "startx and startxwin now pass '-nolisten tcp' to the server by default, which increases security in the X server by not opening a port to TCP connections. The '-listen' flag can be passed as a server argument to override this."

Your choices are to add the '-listen' flag to the startxwin invocation, or (better) to use 'ssh -Y' and not explicitly set DISPLAY (See

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