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Some time ago I found a reference to a piece of elisp called cygwin32-mount.el
which give Emacs the ability to read files using their Cygwin mount names.  Does
anyone know if this is still being maintained by anyone?  If so, where do I get
the latest version.

I have enhanced it as follows:

	1. Added support for /cygdrive style drive maps.
	2. Hacked a fix to a bug where ange-ftp would not work when this
	   was loaded.

Here is the code if anyone is interested.


;;; cygwin32-mount.el --- Teach EMACS about cygwin32 mount points.
;;; Michael Cook <>.
;;; modified Jun 18 1998 by Keisuke Mori <> 
;;;  to make it work with ange-ftp and enable mapping a drive letter
;;; modified Oct 25 1999 by Drew Moseley (
;;;  to support /cygdrive style drive maps and for better coexistence
;;;  with ange-ftp.
(defun cygwin32-mount-build-table ()
  ;; Determine the cygwin mount points.
  (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *mount*"))
        (case-fold-search t)
      (set-buffer buf)
      (call-process "mount" nil t)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (search-forward-regexp
              "^\\([a-z]:[^ \t\n]*\\) +\\([^ \t\n]+\\)" nil t)
        (let ((device (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)
                                        (match-end 1)))
              (direct (buffer-substring (match-beginning 2)
                                        (match-end 2))))
          (setq mounts (cons (cons device direct)
    (kill-buffer buf)

(defvar cygwin32-mount-table (cygwin32-mount-build-table)
  "Alist of cygwin32 mount points.")

(or (assoc "^/[^/:]+\\(\\'\\|/\\)" file-name-handler-alist)
    (setq file-name-handler-alist
          (cons '("^/[^/:]+\\(\\'\\|/\\)" . cygwin32-mount-name-hook-function)

(or (assoc "^//[A-Za-z]/" file-name-handler-alist)
    (setq file-name-handler-alist
          (cons '("^//[A-Za-z]/" . cygwin32-mount-map-drive-hook-function)

;;; Support cygdrive style drive maps.
(or (assoc "^/cygdrive/[A-Za-z]" file-name-handler-alist)
    (setq file-name-handler-alist
          (cons '("^/cygdrive/[A-Za-z]" . cygwin32-mount-map-drive-hook-function)

(defun cygwin32-mount-name-hook-function (operation &rest args)
  (let ((fn (get operation 'cygwin32-mount-name)))
    (if fn (apply fn operation args)
      (cygwin32-mount-run-real-handler operation args))))

(defun cygwin32-mount-map-drive-hook-function (operation &rest args)
  (let ((fn (get operation 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive)))
    (if fn (apply fn operation args)
      (cygwin32-mount-run-real-handler operation args))))

(defun cygwin32-mount-run-real-handler (operation args)
  (let ((inhibit-file-name-handlers
         (cons 'cygwin32-mount-name-hook-function
               (cons 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive-hook-function
                     (and (eq inhibit-file-name-operation operation)
        (inhibit-file-name-operation operation))
    (apply operation args)))

;;; Unbound the ange-ftp-run-real-handler and rebind it to ours
;;; This version also inhibits the cygwin file name expansion when
;;; we are doing ange-ftp expansion.
;;; This is a real hack.  If the real definition of this function
;;; changes, we have to modify this function
(require 'ange-ftp)
(if (fboundp 'ange-ftp-run-real-handler)
    (fmakunbound 'ange-ftp-run-real-handler))

(defun ange-ftp-run-real-handler (operation args)
  (let ((inhibit-file-name-handlers
 	 (cons 'ange-ftp-hook-function
 	       (cons 'ange-ftp-completion-hook-function
                     (cons 'cygwin32-mount-name-hook-function
                           (cons 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive-hook-function
                                 (and (eq inhibit-file-name-operation operation)
 	(inhibit-file-name-operation operation))
    (apply operation args)))

(put 'substitute-in-file-name 'cygwin32-mount-name 'cygwin32-mount-name-expand)
(put 'expand-file-name 'cygwin32-mount-name 'cygwin32-mount-name-expand)

(put 'substitute-in-file-name
     'cygwin32-mount-map-drive 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive)
(put 'expand-file-name 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive 'cygwin32-mount-map-drive)

(require 'cl)

(defun cygwin32-mount-name-expand (operation name &rest args)
  ;; If NAME uses a mount directory, substitute the mount device
  ;; and return the resulting string.  Otherwise, return NAME.
  (let ((mounts cygwin32-mount-table)
        (len (length name))
    (while mounts
      (let ((mount (file-name-as-directory (cdar mounts))))
        (and (>= len (length mount))
             (string= mount (substring name 0 (length mount)))
             (or (null match)
                 (> (length (cdar mounts)) (length (cdr match))))
             (setq match (car mounts))))
      (setq mounts (cdr mounts)))
    (if match
        (concat (file-name-as-directory (car match))
                (substring name (length (file-name-as-directory (cdr match)))))
      (cygwin32-mount-run-real-handler operation (cons name args)))))

(defun cygwin32-mount-map-drive (operation name &rest args)
  ;; NAME must have the format looks like "^//[A-Za-z]/" here.
  ;; Support cygdrive style drive maps.
   (if (string-equal (substring name 0 2) "//")
       (cons (concat (substring name 2 3) ":" (substring name 3 nil))
     (cons (concat (substring name 10 11) ":" (substring name 11 nil))

(provide 'cygwin32-mount)

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