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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: termcap-20000618

On Sun, Jun 18, 2000 at 12:39:31PM -0700, Dale Goudey wrote:
>Linking with libtermcap.a fails, and objdump does not recognize the object
>file format of the object files in the library.  I am using the latest
>error message (the same for any of the 6 object files in libtermcap.a):
>  objdump: tputs.o: File format not recognized
>After restoring the previous libtermcap.a things work fine.

Or, rebuilding the termcap from sources.

The problem was that I build these things on linux and a botched
configure script ended up causing a native libtermcap.a library to be
built rather than a cygwin one.  I never noticed before because this is
the first time that I built libtermcap with my nifty new "mknetrel"
script which checks out a fresh copy and builds everything with standard

Anyway, a new version has been uploaded.  I'm not going to announce
this again on cygwin-announce, though.


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