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emacs -nw (Was: empty zsh prompt string under Cygwin 1.1.0 xterm)

On Wednesday 5 Jul 00, Eric De Mund writes:
> ...
> All I need figure out now is how to get "emacs -nw" under the xterm(1)
> to stop saying "emacs: standard input is not a tty" and then exiting. I
> wonder if I need to build emacs from source and not use a precompiled
> version; it's the last program in the equation now that is not built
> using cygwin.

Unfortunately, you cannot.  Gnu Emacs ('nt-emacs') is not ported to

You should be able to build xemacs using Cygwin, and then 'xemacs -nw'
will work.

(Should this go into the FAQ?)


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