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Re: versions/compatibilities FAQ request

I'll take a shot at some of these...

> The install version is 1.1, does that render prior versions incompatible

You should be able to run old programs with a new cygwin installation,
but of course we recommend upgrading everything if you have the CDROM
or B19 or B20.

> does that include DLL 1.1.4

It includes a 1.1.<something> DLL, with the current <something> being
"4" at the moment.

> how does DLL 1.1.4 which one sees downloadable separately sometimes,
> differ from install cygwin 1.1 ?

The cygwin "dll" is part of the cygwin "package" in a cygwin
"install".  Just like the cc1.exe "file" is part of the gcc "package"
in a cygwin "install".

With the new net release and setup program, packages can be upgraded
independently of each other.

> is B20 compatible with either DLL 1.1.4 or install version 1.1.  If not should
> one stay off of B20 sites entirely.  Is it possible to back out of v1.1 to B20
> if one needs to in order to run a third part compile binary or are all binaries
> of B20 capable of installing on 1.1 ?

You should be able to run B20-aware programs with 1.1.  We almost
never recommend reverting to a beta.

> What rpm or other command would be useful to determine what version
> of cygwin is running.

Either "uname -a" in a cygwin window (the third field), or use the
standard Windows "properties" option in explorer (the version tab).
Or, "grep %%% cygwin1.dll" ;-)

> does cygwin32, CYGWIN_98-4.10 and cygwin refer to different install versions or
> compatible systems.  cygwin32 is it 1.1, or B20.  CYGWIN_98-4.10 is it B20 or
> 1.1 .  

We don't use the name "cygwin32" any more, for legal reasons.  It's
"cygwin" now.  The CYGWIN_* version is the version of *windows* you're
running, not the version of *cygwin*.  You are running Windows 98
version 4.10.

> Is mks Toolkit install capable of installing on same machine as cygwin ?

Sure.  The cygwin shortcuts set up the path, so the two shouldn't

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