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RE: Multiple cygwin installs: I have to do it, but how?

This is in the history of the releases- (faq/faq6)
apparently this was the plan when B20 was 
released- Is this what the developers mean when they say 
a "major release" won't conflict with older releases? 
So when cygwin2.dll is released, it will have 
a different shared memory region and will be able to run 
simultaneously with cygwin1.dll? 

"We are now using a new versioning scheme for Cygwin.  There is now a
separate version number for the DLL, the API, the shared memory region
interfaces, and the registry interface.  This will hopefully make it
easier for multiple Cygwin toolsets to coexist in one user environment."

And this is about B19
"Multiple cygwin.dlls no longer use the same memory space unless they
identical (built at the same time).  This allows multiple dlls with
incompatible shared memory usage to be run simultaneously.  It also
facilitates debugging a buggy cygwin.dll.  By keeping only a single copy
of the latest cygwin.dll on your system, you can be assured of having
all cygwin processes exist in the same shared memory space."


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