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Re: cygwinb19 and mysql-win32

On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 10:16:18AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>Is there anyone here who has done a lot with MySQL? 
>Anyone know whether they've licenced Cygwin b19 from Redhat? (Chris?)

I'm sure that they have not licensed B19 from Red Hat.

>I've just noticed that they include a dll call cygwinb19.dll in
>mysql/lib for their win32 builds. The readme in that directory refers to
>VC5 and makes no comment on the cygwinb19.dll file.
>And their manuals only reference is that to use the mysqlc (mysql client
>linked to cygwin) one must copy the cygwin b19.dll to the windows system
>Oh, and there is no source for cygwinb19.dll in the binary distribution,
>nor any specific notice that cygwinb19.dll as included has it's source
>available in their source tarball. (there is the usual COPYING file for
>the whole thing though).
>Hmmmm. AAARRRRGGGGHHH. Mysql isn't exactly a low profile open-source
>project. I haven't downloaded their 15 MB .zip source file to check
>whether the cygwin dll source is included or not - which is why I've
>mailed here in case someone else has and can confirm or deny. Their unix
>source file is ~11Mb, and I suspect that the 4Mb difference is more than
>just tar.gz getting better compression.
>So there are two issues here:
>1) Why are they distributing b19?!?!?!??!
>2) Are they in fact distributing the source.

I'd be interested in getting clarification on this, too.


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