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Re: How to back-rev cygwin?

Please check out the project web page for links to available information
and ports: .

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For your convenience, I've reset the Reply-To: address to point to the
cygwin mailing list.  I've also Cc'ed this reply there.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 04:35:10PM -0800, Doug Stevens wrote:
>Hi, Chris ...
>Looked for this in the faqs and mailing lists, and didn't find
>anything.  Could you help?
>I downloaded cygwin 1.5.5, and my xscale g++ now faults during
>compilation.  It may be a latent bug in the tool that's exposed by the
>1.5.5 dlls.  At Andrew Pinski's suggestion, I tried to move forward to
>the latest stable version of the compiler, but having spent more than 8
>hours attempting to configure and build it, I have to give up on that
>approach (at my manager's insistance).
>I'd like to back-rev to cygwin 1.3.13 (the version with which the
>xscale compiler worked); can you give me a url that would have it?  I
>tried the mirrors, but there's nothing around that time.
>Thanks for any help,

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