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Re: 1.5.7: Problem with tcsh 6.12.00-7 / sed 4.0.8-1

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 10:39:09AM +0200, Michael Brand wrote:
>I disabled one of the CPUs on my dual-CPU Xeon, and everything started working 
>well, so I guess this is a dual-cpu problem.

My main development machine is a dual-CPU P3 and I have never been able
to duplicate your problems.

>Incidentally, I tried running my scripts on several dual-CPU Xeons (different 
>computer models, but all of them HPs), and though the crashes are not quite as 
>common elsewhere, and are therefore harder to localize into single-line 
>scripts, when I leave one of my involved scripts to crunch the CPU overnight, 
>it generally crashes an hour or two later, at the most.
>Hope this new information helps,

I think it's safe to say that bug reports of the order of "I ran it for a while
and then it crashed" are never all that helpful.

What is always helpful is actual debugging of the problem.


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