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Re: Cygwin to make ext2fs, xfs, reiserfs aware in windows

At 04:36 PM 3/16/2004, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>What would be best way to make cygwin dll aware of existence of UNIX 
>file systems ext2fs, ffs, nfs, xfs and reiserfs.  Currently with our 
>software Crossmeta it will go through windows layer and the results 
>will not be good. It will have the same problem of ls -l taking lot of 
>time and security uid/gid mapping confusion.  Instead if it can be 
>converted to make use of VFS style calls getdents, stat ..etc directly 
>to crossmeta the results will be great. Crossmeta also provides windows 
>native file system via loopback file system driver.
>I am guessing the file handler code would be the starting point for 
>this and replace dll entry points for those. Is this going to be lot of 
>Crossmeta can be downloaded from 

Sounds cool.  Haven't tried it yet though.

Forgive me if I'm being obtuse but why would you believe that Cygwin, a 
layer on top of Windows, would be quicker and more capable than the 
underlying Windows O/S on which it relies?  To access the file systems
you list from Windows or Cygwin, you need file system drivers, but you
know that since you're delivering them with your product.  So how do you
see Cygwin fitting in here?  Don't get me wrong.  I like Cygwin and like
to see others using it and extending it.  But I just don't see how your
stated goals under Cygwin are easier to achieve than under Windows.  
Perhaps you should restate the problem and how you see Cygwin as the 
potential solution.

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746                     

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