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Re: Changing jobs

Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Mar 31, 2004 at 01:17:58PM -0500, wrote:

Does this mean you'll be getting out of the house some?  Maybe some
fresh air will help the termperament (so that now CGF wont' be
synonymous with mean?) :^)

I get out of the house plenty now.  I have a thirty minute drive to the
Red Hat office in Westford.  Unfortunately (or fortunately?) TimeSys doesn't
have an office in MA, so I'll be working from home.

So, maybe being around my wife more will improve the meanness...  Nah.  It
hasn't worked for 26 years, it's not apt to work now.  :-)

Perhaps then, you should buy your wife: "The Proper Care & Feeding Of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger--her latest book. I've not read it yet but I've heard good things about it. However, I don't know if it covers "mean". :-) (NB: I'm in no way associated with the book, the author, or book vendors.)

May you have great success and fulfillment in your new endeavor. Many thanks for your contribution to such a neat and fun system--Cygwin--for those of us stuck with M$.

Kind Regards,

Lowell Anderson

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