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RE: sshD fails to start as a service

> You have user mounts instead of system ones.  Re-mount all 
> your mounts as
> system mounts, and it should work.  Below is probably the 
> shortest way of
> doing this:
> eval "`mount -m | sed 's/ -u / -s /'`"

I've done this.. Service started, once I changed the permissions on the host
key files..
Slight whoops there :-P

Shouldn't this be the default mount type if it's required for things like
sshd to operate correctly though? At least on the mounts created by Cygwin

Seems a little odd to me.
Out of curiousity, how are the mounts accessed by sshd when it's started as
a service by windows? Something to do with cygrunsrv or the dll?

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