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RE: qmail, DJB licensing

[Making a conscious decision to snip in-the-clear email addresses, because
I'm not Above The Law]

> Reini Urban wrote:
> > So we could follow Igor's suggestion providing the sources in the 
> > binary package and compile it after download.
> >
> > At least better than nothing. exim would need a comparative and 
> > simplier MTA.
> > 
> > I failed with trying to do some heavy processing with my new 
> > postgresql postinstall script. The compile step in a postinstall 
> > script would need to open a seperate console detached from 
> setup.exe 
> > probably. Otherwise I see no light.
> I don't see why you're interested in making an extremely 
> unwieldy pseudo-binary package for this.  It just seems like 
> a nightmare to support for both packagers and users, all 
> because DJB won't let you distribute anything but pristine sources.
> Does maildir even work without resorting to managed mounts?

Nope, it can't.  Special chars in the filenames which Windows either doesn't
support at all or treats differently than Unii.  Maildir is a decent idea
implemented in a non-POSIX, non-portable manner.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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