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RE: Linking with comctl32 lib

> From: Bryan Siever
> Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 11:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Linking with comctl32 lib
> Greetings,
> This question came up after a lively discussion with several 
> other developers. Let me clarify my question.
> You build a standalong windows app and link in
> (statically) the comctl32.dll into your app.

By definition that is impossible.  The "D" in DLL stands for "Dynamic".

> You then want to 
> deploy your application, your application now contains parts 
> of the dll but not all of them due to static linking.

No, it doesn't.  The .lib you linked to is a stub.  It doesn't contain any
part of the DLL code, regardless of how much of the library you use.  IIUC,
the .lib under discussion isn't even of Microsoft origin; it's generated by
a Cygwin or Mingw program.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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