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Re: stat(2) triggers on-demand virus scan

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 03:35:17PM -0500, Brett Serkez wrote:
>I'm still researching, I was going to respond this is posting at a
>later time with more insight, but before things get out-of-hand, I
>wanted to jump in.  I suppose I'm still hopeful that we can zero in
>on what precisely is causing the on-demand scanners to consume so
>much CPU. Since Windows programs don't trigger the same level of
>response (or atleast they don't appear to) their must be some change
>that can be made.

I just wanted to make it clear that we aren't going to be making any
special concessions to a product like a virus scanner which cause perfectly
acceptable code to misbehave.  If that is the case then it is a situation
for the virus scanner to work out.  It's not a requirement that cygwin
work around things like this.

Maybe this is a given but I thought I'd just make it clear.

>I've started to notice that even on one system that I have that is
>relatively isolated, and not encumbered with security software, bash,
>ssh, sh and other programs seems to consume an inordinate amount of CPU.

Try setting CYGWIN=noinordinate .


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