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Re: 1.5.24 unable to access files via root / (forward slash)

On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 05:44:51AM -0800, Jeff2007 wrote:
>I'm trying to access files for reading via the / directive, i.e. vi
>However, this will not open foo.txt, vi creates a new file in the current
>directory instead.
>I can cd to the /usr directory and open the file with vi usr.txt. I'm using
>vi as an example, I'm actually trying to compile files with a gcc variant,
>and it can't access files the the / path either.
>I've checked with the mount command that / is mounted, and it reports:
>D:\cygwin_root on / type system (binmode)
>Output from ls -lg /usr shows
>-rwxrwxrwx 1 mkgroup-l-d 13 Feb 20 13:33 foo.txt
>Which seems ok from what I've read?
>I've attached the output from cygcheck using cygcheck -srvv. Apologies if
>I'm missing something really simple here.
> cygcheck.out 

Well, from the cygcheck output, it seems like you aren't actually
running a cygwin version of vim, so it is unlikely that 'vi' would
understand cygwin's mount table.


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