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Re: nedit windows integration

Frederich, Eric P21322 wrote:
I created an nedit shortcut on my desktop.
It is just a shortcut to "c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe nedit"
This works fine but I can't drag files on top of it to edit them because
it expects /cygdrive/c/somefile.txt instead of c:\somefile.txt

Is there a solution for this kind of thing?
I thought that run.exe would reformat the parameters into the correct
format but I guess not.
Is there another program that does?...maybe run.exe isn't the way to go.

Instead of 'nedit', you could run.exe a script that looks something like:

nedit $(cygpath -u "$1")

People say I'm going insane. I say, "what do you mean, 'going'?".

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