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Re: Intermittent perl crash (Attn: coreutils and bash maintainer)

"Igor Peshansky" <> wrote in message">

I'm guessing one can reconstruct your permissions as follows:

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir nw
$ setfacl -m g:Users:rwx nw
$ chmod a-rwx nw
$ ls -ld nw
d---------+ 2 igor root 0 Dec 18 10:08 nw/
$ touch nw/foo
$ ls -l nw/foo
-rw------- 1 igor root 0 Dec 18 10:08 nw/foo
$ if [ -w nw ]; then echo "Yes"; else echo "No"; fi

Not sure about the setfacl but I note that if I repeat your sequence I get "dr-xr-xr-x", which is what all my dirs look like:

1 > cd /tmp
2 > mkdir nw
3 > setfacl -m g:Users:rwx nw
4 > chmod a-rwx nw
5 > ls -ld nw
dr-xr-xr-x 2 michael None 0 Dec 18 11:46 nw
6 > touch nw/foo
7 > ls -l nw/foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael None 0 Dec 18 11:47 nw/foo
8 > if [ -w nw ]; then echo "Yes"; else echo "No"; fi

One solution is, of course, "chmod u+rwx /tmp".

Well, this has no effect for me:

9 > ls -ld /tmp
dr-xr-xr-x 9 michael None 245760 Dec 18 11:46 /tmp
10 > chmod u+rwx /tmp
11 > ls -ld /tmp
dr-xr-xr-x 9 michael None 245760 Dec 18 11:46 /tmp

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