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Re: scheme implementations for cygwin

Care to ITP them? I would review them. We would just need
debian links.
At least bigloo and slib should be in the official distro.

2008/7/9 Nathan Thern:
> I have compiled several scheme implementations natively on cygwin.
> I've put them (with a couple of other packages I have created) in a
> repository at
> They are mostly untested. If the REPL works and some simple scheme
> codes run, I have put it in. Feedback is welcome.
> If anyone else has successful ports that they would like posted, I
> will accept them if they are cygport packages that I can recompile on
> my own from independently downloaded sources. I am especially
> interested in language implementations and mathematical/scientific
> projects.
> Scheme implementations:
> bigloo

Aren't there some more requires missing?
You have only libgmp, which should be libgmp3.
I would also expect libsqlite3_0 srfi openssl

CONF_ARGS --enable-calendar --enable-fthread --enable-gstreamer \
        --enable-mail --enable-multimedia --enable-pkgcomp --enable-pkglib \
        --enable-pthread --enable-sqlite --enable-srfi1 --enable-ssl \

> chicken

I would exclude the generated files from the src patch:
DIFF_EXCLUDES="chicken-config.h chicken-defaults.h"

> gauche

This is a mess.
The binary libs are in  /usr/share/gauche/0.8.13/i686-pc-cygwin/*.dll,
they should go to /usr/lib/gauche/0.8.13/
The linux default was almost fine.

The headers from /usr/share/gauche/0.8.13/include/gauche.h
should go to /usr/include/gauche/

The scm libs files:
Well they can stay at /usr/share/gauche/0.8.13/lib
but /usr/lib/gauche/0.8.13/lib would be better

The DLL /usr/bin/libgauche.dll was forced with this name,
so you could have used the better name cyggauche0.dll

> ikarus

Same libgmp issue as with bigloo: libgmp3.
/usr/bin/scheme-script.exe cries for a name clash with other schemes.
Is this really kosher?

> ksi

The si/ksi_sign.c patch is not kosher.
+//#if defined(SIGIO) && !defined(sun)
+//#  define INOUT_BY_SIGIO	1
=> /* */ for gcc files. // only for g++ files.

> plt

                  [exe (case (system-type)
                         [(windows) "MzScheme.exe"]
-                        [else "mzscheme"])])
+                        [else "mzscheme.exe"])])
doesn't look to good.
(system-type) should return 'cygwin, and the switch should be
[(windows cygwin) "MzScheme.exe"] IMHO.
This can be accepted upstream then with the rest of the src.patch,
which looks fine.

> rhizome

The README contains a typo: "it never makes recurseive call"

> scheme48

This is included in scsh, but having it seperate helps.

> scm
> slib
> stk
> stklos
> sxm

> Other stuff:
> gifsicle
> libffi

libffi-3.0.0-1 was already at my contrib site. This builds OOTB anyway.

> omake
> remake

Ah, remake again. Good.
I have it as makedb somewhere. remake seems to be the official name now.

I miss ghc ( Glasgow Haskell Compiler ),
slime, ecl, scm ( Scheme in Javascript :)

Can you put the cygport files also somewhere, so I don't have to
download all the sources. Anyway, I did it now.
Reini Urban

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