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python package missing _sqlite3.dll in /usr/lib/python2.5/sqlite3

Using cygwin setup, I installed python (2.5.1) and sqlite3 (3.6.2-1). Each of these work great on cygwin separately, and now I wanted to write a python program that used sqlite3. But when I did "import sqlite3", I got the following error:

ImportError: No module named _sqlite3

I have been able to work around the problem by downloading the sources for pysqlite (2.5.0) from and building it myself. (Note that the python2.5/sqlite3 package is built from pysqlite source.) Using cygwin setup again, I installed sqlite3 src (3.6.2-1-src), and tried to build pysqlite. I did run into one build problem because this version of sqlite3 does not have an entry for sqlite3_enable_load_extension(). I worked around this problem by turning off HAVE_LOAD_EXTENSION in connection.c.

Tim Hoel

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