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keycodes (was: Re: First Pass at mintty documentation; etc.)

Andrew DeFaria wrote:
 > "\e[1;5A": history-search-backward
 > "\e[1;5B": history-search-forward

Perhaps I don't understand this 'bash' feature, but it doesn't seem to work for me.
Start typing a command, press Ctrl-Up, and it finds the previous line in the history that started like that.
Why not simply type Ctrl-R then the first few letters of a command (or some letters in the middle of a command). Works great! Requires no support from any terminal emulator...

Yes, obviously you can bind the history search to any key you like.

To do the same as above with rxvt:

  "\eOa": history-search-backward
  "\eOb": history-search-forward

Speaking of history, does anyone know why xterm and rxvt diverged so much on modifier keycodes and why the xterm codes ended up being six characters long?


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