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Re: Empty include file on samba share

At 19:34 09.01.2009 +0000, Dave Korn wrote:
>  Have you tried adding "--save-temps" to your CFLAGS so that you can capture
>the pre-processor output and take a look at the corruption?  It might just
>give us a clue.

I have tried a different file and will show the include structure as well as the output.
This is with gcc 2.95.2.

#include <inos.h>
        #include <inos_mod.h>
                #include <inos_typ.h>
                        various typedefs that show up in both outputs.

                        #include <fixed32.h>
                                class definition shows up in both outputs.
                        #include <fixed64.h>
                                include and class definition completely missing if on share

                        various typedefs that show up in both outputs.
#include <CINOSMemoryHeap.h>
#include <CINOSMemoryPool.h>
        include and class definition completely missing if on share
#include <CINOSPartitionMemory.h>

The relevant parts are quoted here:

---------- Local drive ----------
# 1 "N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/sharetest/os/inos/inc/fixed32.h" 1
                int32 m_iData;
}; // end of fixed32 class definition

# 113 "N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/sharetest/os/inos/inc/inos_typ.h" 2

# 1 "N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/sharetest/os/inos/inc/fixed64.h" 1
class fixed64
# 114 "N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/sharetest/os/inos/inc/inos_typ.h" 2

typedef struct _INOSTime {
---------- End local drive ----------

---------- Shared drive ----------
# 1 "G:/Fabi/sharetest/os/inos/inc/fixed32.h" 1
                int32 m_iData;
}; // end of fixed32 class definition
# 113 "G:/Fabi/sharetest/os/inos/inc/inos_typ.h" 2

typedef struct _INOSTime {
----- End shared drive -----

The rest of the outputs is identical except the different paths and the missing
includes. For some reason some include statements are completely skipped.
Adding a newline or a comment between the includes didn't help, neither did
adding a newline to the end of fixed32.h or fixed64.h. The fixed64 type was
always unknown in the further compilation.

Using gcc 4.1.0 the compilation worked correctly with exactly the same files:

  int32 m_iData;
# 114 "G:/Fabi/sharetest/os/inos/inc/inos_typ.h" 2
# 1 "G:/Fabi/sharetest/os/inos/inc/fixed64.h" 1
# 81 "G:/Fabi/sharetest/os/inos/inc/fixed64.h"
class fixed64

I don't know if this is of any help except that the error seems to be in gcc 2.95
and that I could start looking into gcc sources for changes.


bye  Fabi

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