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Re: mkpasswd (434): [31] A device attached to the system is not functioning.

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

It's possible, sure. I expect it's pretty obvious where you might want to make such a change in mkpasswd.c if you're so inclined.
	Inclined is FAR from the issue.

I've tried to build cygwin at least 3 times and never been able to get it to make.
It's a non-starter.  There are no build instructions laying out what is needed to build it.  There seems to be some presumption about what I have in my environment, that just isn't so.  I mentioned it each time, but received no response -- as though I'm just expected to know -- which is the same problem -- assumption of some environment that I don't have.

Or are there other programs in windows that would try to print out the same

I.e. say some variant of the "net" or "netsh" commands"?  On linux, I can try
debugging with the 'net' command and it's various outputs, but I don't know
what I'd use here to do the same.

I'm sure. The APIs in use aren't only for Cygwin. I don't know of any utility that you can use, off the top of my head, that would provide better insight than debugging through the code.
	I tried a trace (and printed in my last report) of mkpasswd -- but couldn't even see what syscall it was that was failing!  All I got was one of your fellow developer-children that went into some rant about things in my environment that made absolutely no difference to the issue at hand.  Purely a waste of time trying to follow his insulting rant advice.

I've tried building things from cygwin before and never had any luck just
satisfying the dependencies, so that's been a non-starter for me.

Perhaps it's time to try again. In this case anyway, you wouldn't need to build more than 'mkpasswd'. Shouldn't be too hard if you're used to building any software. Sounds like you've done some of this before but I may be misinterpreting.
	I build software on linux all the time.

I check things out from source as well as from tar modules. I rarely
have problems building when the prerequisites are spelled
must have 'foobar- headers (or devel package), or must have 'snorpsnip' util
installed... That wasn't the case when I tried building anything cygwin. When I asked about any documentation on such prerequisites, I believe I was told I could submit the documentation I needed myself (or some such verbage) -- which I took too mean "go Fiddle yourself".

I'm willing to try again if anything has improved. But there were also issues about me signing off contracts to Redhat or something -- not something normal to most open source projects...and that was a bit of a put off as well. Has anything changed?

For that matter, does cygwin build on linux, or is that more of a pain?
Since I assume it's a large project, my large build machine is linux, though I've gotten a fairly good Windows machine since last time I tried building. I hope the make is amenable to "make -j"?

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