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Re: newlib and long-double question

----- Original Message ----- From: "marco atzeri"

On a Linux system that I have access to, I see that those functions
are in /lib/libm.* but cygwin's /lib/libm.* still seems to lack them.
Is there any work around or alternate version ofthis lib that actually
has these functions. I honestly do not mean to be rude, but how
difficult is it to impliment these functions which seem so common in
most unix-like systems?

It is not overcomplicated to implement it, but it takes time and
someone to do it.
When I implemented all the complex functions (cabs, ccos..) I spent one month
to make it right. A more capable guy will take less surely, but as
mention I see little
benefit moving from 64 to 80 bits so I was not interested to implement it.

I sense an opportunity here to plug (to the op) the Math::MPFR perl module - for which the gmp and mpfr C libraries are required.
I guess one could also use Math::BigFloat, but I assume the op has already considered (and rejected) that option - the performance hit incurred by its use has always discouraged me.
Perhaps he has also already considered and rejected Math::MPFR, but it seems to me to be by far the best option for achieving added precision with floating point numbers - at least until such time as building perl with -Duselongdouble has been facilitated.


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