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Re: rtorrent and recent snapshots - apparent problem with msync()

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 04:10:25PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 12:18:39AM +0400, Andrey Repin wrote:
>>Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!
>>>> I saw that you made another change to this function.  Is it possible that
>>>> this might actually fix the "rtorrent problem"?
>>> No.  It only adds the MS_SYNC handling.  rtorrent uses MS_ASYNC.
>>That made me think... If rtorrent uses MS_ASYNC, shouldn't *rtorrent* be
>>prepared for consequences? Instead of you trying to satisfy its
>It does seem that way.

Actually, it isn't that clear.  It seems like msync is failing in the
MS_ASYNC case when it shouldn't be, i.e., rtorrent is within its rights
to expect the operation to succeed.

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