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RE: UDP/DTLS sockets communication pattern is broken in Cygwin

> However, I think I found a workaround on the application level.
> Apparently all packets sent to a specific address are sent to the first socket
> which has been bound to the address.  If that socket has been closed, the next in
> line gets the packets (unless it has been connected and the sender is not the
> connected address).  So what I did was this:
> Before starting step 14, I created a third socket, which then replaced the server
> socket:

Thank you, Corinna, for the reply and for the idea.

Unfortunately, the workaround will work well only in the case of a single client. 
In the multiple clients scenario, it will create a sort of race condition: 

1) some packets already scheduled by OS to the "original" packet will be lost;
2) some packets delivered in between the sockets destruction/creation will be wrongly rejected.

But this is better than nothing. I'll think whether we can live with it.


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