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Can SSH from localhost as Admin but NOT 'regular' user when using passwords

Hi Cygwin,

I'm tasked with setting up SFTP serving on 2 Windows Server 2003 VMs.
One of these installations has been giving me problems and I'm not
sure what the solution is.

The following command works fine when run as Administrator and
SFTP_User in these two configurations: (password,keyboard-interactive)
only and (password,publickey,keyboard-interactive)

ssh Administrator@localhost

The following command fails when run as Administrator and SFTP_User in
this configuration: (password,keyboard-interactive)

ssh SFTP_User@localhost

The following command works fine when run as Administrator and
SFTP_User in this configuration:

ssh SFTP_User@localhost

In each scenario, I've double, tirple, quadruple checked to make sure
the SFTP_User password is entered correctly. Both of these users are
local users and mkpasswd with the -l flag has been cat'd into
/etc/passwd in order to set up the passwords correctly. Not sure where
else to focus on next.


 - EJR

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