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Re: ssh login no longer allowed by local accounts other than main administrator account after taking machine off domain

On 8/7/2013 12:55 PM, Yuki Ishibashi wrote:

Glad you got things working with what sounds like a minimum of
reconfiguration (i.e. no reinstall ;-) ).

I followed the defaults from the following link to setup ssh using

I'm glad you found this link useful and it helped you get OpenSSH working
for you again under Cygwin.  I would be remiss, however, if I didn't
point out that this link and site are in no way affiliated with
and therefore the instructions at are not supported or
recommended by this list.  While a quick review of the link suggests that
there aren't any fatal flaws in those instructions, there is at least
one piece of information (use of 'ntsec') which is obsolete.  Presumably,
this link and others like it will grow more and more out-of-date as time
goes on, with no one supporting the information.  This is why we recommend
to users that they avail themselves of the documentation provided by Cygwin
(see /usr/share/doc/Cygwin) instead of random web sites and links they might



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