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cygport qt5-base.cygport compile due to missing devel libraries

cygport qt5-base.cygport compile due to missing devel libraries
What was done and happened
1. download qt5-b ase source to /usr/src using setup
At /usr/src/qt5-base-5.9.4-1.src
2. execute
   cygport qt5-base.cygport prep
   cygport qt5-base.cygport compile
3. cygport qt5-base.cygport compile reports like the below

ERROR: Feature 'icu' was enabled, but the pre-condition '' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'system-pcre2' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.pcre2' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'openssl-linked' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!features.securetransport && libs.openssl' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'openssl' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!features.securetransport && (features.openssl-linked || libs.openssl_headers)' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'xkbcommon-system' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.xkbcommon_x11' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'sql-mysql' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.mysql' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'sql-odbc' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.datestring && libs.odbc' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'sql-psql' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.psql' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'sql-tds' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.datestring && libs.tds' failed.
4. install devel tools for missing libraries by setup
5. Erase build folder and re-execute 2.
6. Error reduced into
ERROR: Feature 'sql-psql' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.psql' failed.
ERROR: Feature 'sql-tds' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.datestring && libs.tds' failed.

I could not find devel tools for libpsql and libtds in setup.
Have to I build those libraies from source?

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