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Re: speeding up a paste operation

Am 25.08.2018 um 02:10 schrieb Lee:
On 8/24/18, James Darnley wrote:
On 2018-08-25 01:30, Lee wrote:
In retrospect, I should have created the file some other way, but still..
- grab the top 1M hosts from from
- open w/ libreoffice
- select the host name column, right click & select copy (all 1 million
- (mintty 2.9.0 window already open) vi /tmp/hosts
- i  (get into insert mode)
- right click (which I have set to "paste")

data is still scrolling by & it's not even up to 100K lines yet :(

Is there some way to make a paste operation faster in mintty (or vim
or whatever the slowpoke is)?
There's a utility called getclip which put the clipboard onto stdout.
Direct that into a file and you should get the same result, excluding
Vim's indentation.  Probably doesn't use the tty in anyway.
Is getclip different from
   cat > /tmp/hosts
   <right-click to paste in the 1M lines>
Of course it is, it goes through the terminal and the pty. Both are shortcut if you copy from /dev/clipboard, using either cat or cp.

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