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Re: Cygwin fails to utilize Unicode replacement character

On Sep  3 15:15, Steven Penny wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 23:02:58, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > I can't. I only have a limited set of fonts available in the console.
> > What I just did was calling the GetFontUnicodeRanges function
> > for each font, and it turns out that none of the fonts support
> > 0xfffd "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER", but all three support 0xfffc
> > "OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER".  I expanded the testcase to check
> > for this with GetGlyphIndicesW and, lo and behold, the result
> > makes sense.
> Here is my code if it helps:
>    #include <stdio.h>
>    #include <windows.h>
>    int main()
>    {
>      ta.cbSize = sizeof ta;
>      GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0, &ta);
>      HDC wh = GetDC(0);
>      SelectObject(wh,
>        CreateFontW(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ta.FaceName));
>      WCHAR xr = 0xFFFD;
>      WORD zu[1];
>      GetGlyphIndicesW(wh, &xr, 1, zu, 1);
>      printf("%ls: %s\n", ta.FaceName, *zu == 0xFFFF ? "FAILURE" : "SUCCESS");
>    }

In how far does that add information to the code I posted in ?

> Result:
>    DejaVu Sans Mono: SUCCESS

Whereever you get DejaVu Sans Mono from.  My W10 console only allows to
specify a handful of fonts, Consolas, Courier New, Lucida, MS Gothic,
NSimSun, Raster Fonts, SimSun-ExtB.

>    Consolas: FAILURE
> > On the other hand, during testing I saw a 0xfffd character printed for
> > these fonts.  None of them actually supports 0xfffd, so apparently the
> > Windows console already uses replacement fonts if possible.
> > 
> > I guess I just stop here and always print 0xfffd.  I seriously doubt
> > it makes sense to add so much code just to print a single char in a
> > border case.
> this is not possible; most likely you were seeing the ".notdef glyph":

Yeah, that's it then.  Whatever.  The fact that none of the default
fonts available for the console provide 0xfffd REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
doesn't really contribute to my willingness to add lots of code for
a border case.

We either keep 0xfffd now and the user gets the nodef glyph, or I revert
the patch and let the console print 0x2592 MEDIUM SHADE again.

Decision has to be made today.  I will release 2.11.1 tomorrow.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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