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Re: cygwin: how to mount linux FS from cygwin

On 10/27/2018 8:32 PM, hauck.adrian451 wrote:

> - Created the file fuse.pc indicated the location the dll:
> user@cliente~/winfsp-master/opt/cygfuse/fuse
> $ more fuse.pc
> arch=x64
> prefix=${pcfiledir}/..
> incdir=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp
> implib=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinFsp\winfsp-${arch}.dll
> Name: fuse
> Description: WinFsp FUSE compatible API
> Version: 2.8
> URL:
> Libs: "${implib}"
> Cflags: -I"${incdir}"

This is wrong, in several ways.

1st: fuse.pc, and pkg-config, are only used for building purposes (i.e.
compiling, creating the Makefile, usually as part of the configure
script, or in Qt projects, could be part of the qmake step).

2nd: The path used (C:\Program Files (x86)\) is written wrong, in
Windows mode, and its the location of 32-bit installations, which
contradicts the "arch=x64".  For Cygwin's version of pkg-config it is
just wrong (I would suggest to take a look at 'man pkg-config').

I don't know, or use winfsp, but... do they really put headers in there?
 That's what that .pc file says in Cflags.  Same goes for libraries, but
that could be the case, weird, but not entirely invalid.

3rd: The location of fuse.pc is not a standard location.  So unless you
also specify PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR, its not going to be used.
R. Berber

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