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Re: cygport fails with package starting with number

On 2018-11-07 13:15, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Marco Atzeri writes:
>> It seems that the behaviour of cygport is changed recently
>> and rebuilding the 4ti2 package fails on the name 4ti2.
> Introduced by a3997ae7ac, which constructs a variable whose name starts
> with the package name.  However, a leading number does not result in a
> valid identifier.  So if such package names must be supported then the
> substitution made earlier (replacing invalid characters from the name by
> an underscore) also needs to handle that particular case.  So something
> like
>                 local dbg_contents_var=${PN//[-+\.]/_}_debuginfo_CONTENTS;
> +               dbg_contents_var=${dbg_contents_var/#[0-9]/_}
>                 __step "${PN}-debuginfo-${PVR}.tar.xz";
> in lib/pkg_pkg.cygpart should fix it.

or just prefix var name with "_":

		[ -d ${autoloaddir} ] || autoloaddir=
-		local dbg_contents_var=${PN//[-+\.]/_}_debuginfo_CONTENTS;
+		local dbg_contents_var=_${PN//[-+\.]/_}_debuginfo_CONTENTS;

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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