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RE: Cygport: How to add -I m4 to autoreconf / aclocal? (issue with building mingw64-x86_64-gtksourceview3.0-3.24.6 )

Dear Hans-Bernhard,

> Are we building this from a tarball, or directly off the bleeding edge?

From a tarball. As far as I can tell I am exactly reproducing the original package that is available as binary on Cygwin repos with exactly the same sources, patches and cygport file.
> If that had to be done, that would constitute a clear upstream bug.
> Well, either that or that file itself should not be there.

I can't judge this and would need some advice here. The issue could be at several places:

- In the past and on other systems aclocal automatically included the package local m4 folder in all process steps. If this is the intended behavior of aclocal, this is a regression in current cygwin's aclocal package are some of the packages it requires.

- In the past cygport automatically added an option to autoreconf to include the local m4 folder.

- The original builder/maintanier of the current package mingw64-x86_64-gtksourceview3.0-3.24.6 did something non-standard to get the package build (that is didn't just run cygport ... all.

- The use of AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED in gtksourceview for macros defined in the package local m4 folder is bogus. This would then be a gtksourceview upstream bug, as you suggest. One can argue that it doesn't make a lot of sense to check the availability of locally supplied macros, but one can also ask why it seems to work on other systems and seems to have worked on Cygwin in the past.

Best regards,

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