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Re: cygport and C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe

My problem is that cyport tries to invoke tar with an absolute file, and
of course C:\Windows\system32\tar.exe does not understand a path that
begins with `/cygdrive/c`.

No.  Your problem is that you're trying to use cygport from the wrong
place, causing the PATH seen by it to be completely wrong.  Well, either
that, or that you somehow failed to install Cygwin's own tar, even
though it's part of the base system, so it should always be installed.

Mhm, You are of course right.

I've a clean system (plus a couple of programs), and cygwin.

I was able to reproduce the error directly from the cygwin terminal (with relative and absolute path), but now I'm unable to trigger it anymore :-S

Cygport, like many of the more involved utilities delivered by Cygwin,
is meant to be used from inside the Cygwin shell.  At the very least,
you have to ensure that the PATH of the shell running cygport is set up
properly, with Cygwin's `/bin' and/or `usr/bin' mounts at the front of it.
How do you generally solve that problem?

Basically by not even having it in the first place.

Of course, since cycheck reported it as possible issue I thought that was it.

Thank you.

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