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Re: AF_HYPERV address family not supported

On 2019-07-10 12:41, Biswapriyo Nath wrote:
> Can anyone provide a function calls between cygwin socket() and Windows
> socket() as a flowchart? For example, with AF_INET.
> In source code (fhandler_socket_inet::socket), I see bunch of function
> pointers which seems confusing to me.

Most underlying socket handling is asynchronous, event driven, so you might want
to try strace'ing to files some simple uses of Cygwin non-interactive net
utilities e.g bind-utils dig/delv/host/nslookup, inetutils ftp, nc/6, ping/6, or
whatever you have installed that accesses the net.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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