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Re: Mintty/tmux hangs for 1 minute on startup - seems to be a forking issue

On Sun, 2 Feb 2020 09:14:25 +0000 (UTC)
"Anon User via cygwin" wrote:
>  Not sure how to confirm that.  I install the built-in OpenSSH client/server app.  Then I start the OpenSSH server service.  Then I ssh to and login fine.  There is no waiting on the service starting up nor on the ssh client connecting to the daemon and getting a shell (Windows 'DOS' shell though, not bash). I have not seen this hanging outside cygwin yet.

Hmm. Then, could you please compile the previous test case
using x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc (mingw compiler) and run the
program in pure command prompt (witout cygwin)?

Takashi Yano <>

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