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Re: jadetex 3.9

This is what I use when I want a description of an image appear at the right of
the (floating) image:

(define ($block-graph$ #!optional (nd (current-node)) (display #f))
  (let* ((fileref   (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") nd))
	 (entityref (attribute-string (normalize "entityref") nd))
	 (format    (if (attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
			(attribute-string (normalize "format") nd)
			(if entityref
			    (entity-notation entityref)
	 (para-nd (node-list-first (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "para"))))
	 ;; (para-nd (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "para")))
	 (txt (children para-nd))
	 (height    (measurement-to-length (attribute-string "depth" nd)))
	 (width     (measurement-to-length (attribute-string "width" nd)))
	 (finalfileref ( if fileref fileref
			    (if entityref entityref "")))
	 (graphic (make external-graphic
		  display?: #f
		  ;; position-point-y: (-(+ %bf-size% height))
		  position-point-y: (- %bf-size% height)
		  entity-system-id: (graphic-file fileref))))    
    (if finalfileref 
	(make display-group
	  space-before: %para-sep%
	  space-after: %para-sep%
	  start-indent: (+ (+ (inherited-start-indent) width) %graphdesc-margin%)
	  font-family-name: %body-font-family%
	  font-size: %bf-size%
	  (make display-group
	    space-after: %para-sep%
	    (make paragraph
	      first-line-start-indent: (- (+ width %graphdesc-margin%) )
	      (make line-field
		field-width: (+ width %graphdesc-margin%)
	      (process-node-list txt))))

(element blockquote
  (let* ((nlg (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "graphic")))
	 ( isgraph? ( and
		       (equal? (attribute-string "role") "graphdesc")
		       (not (node-list-empty? nlg)))))
    (if isgraph?
	($block-graph$ (node-list-first nlg))
	(make paragraph
	  font-size: (* %bf-size% %smaller-size-factor%)
	  line-spacing: (* %bf-size% %line-spacing-factor%
	  space-before: %para-sep%
	  start-indent: (+ (inherited-start-indent) 1em)
	  end-indent: 1em
;; ====================================================================

As you can se, I use <blockquote role="graphdesc"> to do this.


Juan R. Migoya

Joe Cooper wrote:
> Juan R. Migoya wrote:
> > If you use DSSSL, just use: "position-point-y: (- %bf-size% height)" being "height" the height
> > of the admonition graphics. Wrap the graphic together with the admonition text.
> >
> > BTW: This trick is also useful to make (big) images float at the left of some paragraphs.
> >
> > Hope this help,
> Hi Juan,
> Would you mind expanding on this a bit?  I'm looking in dbadmon.dsl in
> the current stylesheets and I don't see where this would go...  Am I
> even looking at the right file?  (I've changed height to
> $admon-graphic-height$ which I define earlier in the file, and I poked
> the suggested line into a couple of places but all result in errors...)
> So a couple of additional pointers would be much appreciated (forgive my
> ignorance of these things...I'm not exactly an expert on this stuff, but
> trying to learn).
> Thanks!
>                                    --
>                       Joe Cooper <>
>                   Affordable Web Caching Proxy Appliances

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